Miami Beach, FL

The Lincoln Building was designed by architect Albert Anis and built by the Lagner Construction Company in 1946, and is classified as “Contributing” in the Miami Historic Properties Database and is located within the Flamingo Park Local Historic District and the National Register Architectural District. The building’s ribbon windows and elegantly detailed coral limestone veneered facade is a unique hybrid design of the Streamline and Federal Art Deco styles that were pervasive at that time.

During the 1960’s, 1970’s, and 1980’s the building went into disrepair and many of its important ground floor architectural features were lost behind metal corrugated siding. The large granite frieze panels on the ground floor were tiled over with a black mosaic wall tile. Air conditioning wall units for the office spaces above were randomly scattered in the windows of the two primary facades and the original office lobby entrance sign had been removed.

In 2010, the project team restored the lower retail level, overall facades, office building lobby, and office lobby’s exterior vestibule and entrance sign. The significant historic renovation included a full upgrade of the building’s mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and life safety systems. Its fenestration and storefront were brought back to their original design and its elevator modernized.